The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CAS) offers Student Travel Awards to enable the winners to present their research work at CAS-sponsored conferences and workshops. The amount of financial assistance provided to each student will be based on specifics of the travel involved and cannot exceed a maximum of USD $1,500.  
Selection criteria for these Student Travel Awards:
  • Students receiving these awards must have had their papers selected for presentation at the CAS-sponsored conference they have attended.
  • In the case of reimbursement for attending a conference that occurred before the application deadline, it is sufficient to confirm that the nominee:
    • was an undergraduate or graduate student at the time of the conference, and
    • is an IEEE CAS member and
    • was an IEEE CAS student member at the time of the conference.
  • The nominee must furnish written proof that the paper was accepted at the conference (e.g. email notification from the Technical Program Committee).
  • In the application, the nominee must include proof of paper presentation at a CAS-sponsored conference.

Nominations for this award will open mid-November 2017. Check this page frequently for detailed information regarding deadlines and award announcements.